Menstrual Cycle. What do you need to know

Menstrual Cycle-,What Happens During Those 28 Days?

Monthly bleeding of a woman is referred to as Menstruation. Menstrual cycle is a vital part of Menstruation periods. Menstrual periods are also referred to as menses.
This cycle starts from the first day when the bleeding of the period starts. Average time for a menstrual cycle is twenty eight days. But in some women may this cycle may vary from anywhere between 23 days to 35 days.
The blood that flows out is partly blood and partly tissues, that comes from inside the uterus of the woman. The blood passes through a small opening in the cervix and then through the vagina.

Several parts of a woman's body are involved in this process. Chief among them are the pituitary glands, brain, fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, cervix, and vagina. Hormones in the body go through a very volatile phase during menstrual periods. The main hormones that come into play during this period are estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
A lot of things happen during the menstrual cycle inside a woman. In the first phase basically the first 14 days of the 28 day period, there is a process going on called Ovulation. Ovulation occurs because of high levels of estrogen during the first phase. As a result of this volatile activity by estrogen, other hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone begins to respond. Thus an egg or ovum present in one of the ovaries begins to mature.
In the second phase starting from the 15th day of the menstrual cycle the egg or the ovum begins its journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Hormone 'progesterone' also shows volatile activity. And this in fact helps in preparing a uterine line for pregnancy. Now here if the egg or the ovum gets in contact with sperm cells then the woman gets pregnant but if it does not then the egg gets absorbed within the body. And during the menstrual period the progesterone and estrogen levels in a woman's body drops down. Also the lining that is created sheds down during menstruation.
It is very important here that women calculate as well as monitor their menstrual period. This is essential to know what is happening in her body. The best way to do it is by marking it in calendars or by making a chart. With a marker you can simply darken the date of your "first day"or " second day" and also the "last day".
You can also track the flow of menstruation during the period. You just need to write "H" for heavy, "M" for medium and "L" for low menstruation in the calendar. Also you can write the any premenstrual symptoms that you experience during the menstrual cycle. In this way every month you can compare and thus keep track of your menstrual periods.

Menstruation Symptoms, Causes And Natural Cures

Around 90 percent of all women get advance warnings when her menstrual period arrives. These warnings are referred to as menstruation symptoms. In some women these symptoms can be very mild while in some it can be so dreadful that even the thought of periods will dread the woman.
Different women have different kinds of symptoms. In some cases there may be more than one symptom also. Some of the common symptoms are- backache, bloating, constipation, pain in the inner thighs, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual headaches or menstrual migraines, tender breasts and irritation.
Some women go through peculiar mood swings during menstruating period. They have feelings of anxiety, irritability and very drastic mood changes. These symptoms show when the bleeding in a woman starts. These signs are referred to as premenstrual syndrome. These occur because of imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. If there is higher activity of estrogen then there is feeling of anxiety and if there is progesterone then feelings of depression dominate the woman.
The main cause of these symptoms is an irregular diet and changes in the hormonal level of the body. As the hormones in body of a woman go through extreme volatility every month, it is very essential that the women have a proper diet. But very few of them maintain their diet and nutrition. As a result their body cannot handle the changes and suffer from these symptoms.
There are some natural cures for premenstrual syndromes as well. Vitex or Chaste tree acts directly on the root of the problem hormones. A special kind of tea made from Yarrow plant is also regarded as a traditional cure for premenstrual syndromes.
One of the most common symptoms of menstruation is cramping around the uterus. Most women go through this condition which is very uncomfortable and painful also. In fact there are two kinds of cramping that women face - spasmodic cramping and congestive cramping. This feeling of cramping is caused because of the over activity of the chemicals 'prostaglandins' in her body. They contract the soft muscles around the uterus.
Spasmodic cramping can be solved by following a diet rich in liblenic and linoleic acids mostly found in fruits and vegetables. While to solve the problem of congestive cramping, one should avoid dairy and wheat products, caffeine, alcohol and sugar.
Exercise also helps deal with cramping as the amount of blood and oxygen will increase when you exercise. Some amount of cayenne pepper with food that you take also helps in improving your blood circulation. Meditation and massage are also good ways to get relief from cramps. Ginger root tea is another solution. Ovarian Kung Fu is another good alternative not only to solve cramps but also to ensure a safe transition in the menstrual cycle.
Finally you need to remember that women do not only have bad menstruation symptoms but also have some good ones. In fact some women experience positive menstruation symptoms such as relief, feeling of euphoria, release, new beginning, connection with nature, invigoration, creative energy, increased sex drive and exhilaration, and intense orgasms.

Menstruation And Pregnancy: Understand The Connection

If you are pregnant, you stop getting your periods. Therefore, absence of period is the first and the foremost sign of pregnancy. Menstruation and pregnancy are two processes that are closely linked to each other. A regular menstrual cycle is good for the health of the woman. It also helps you have a normal pregnancy. Frequent questions asked by women concern menstruation during pregnancy and (possibility of) pregnancy during menstruation.
To understand the connection between menstruation and pregnancy, you must know how the whole process goes. A woman starts to have her first period usually at the age of 15. It is a 28 days cycle but it may vary from individual to individual. The hormones present in a woman's body may either extend or shorten this cycle. Also, the period of menstruation may vary from 2 to 8 days.
During a menstrual cycle a woman's ovary releases an egg. The egg then travels through the fallopian tube to the womb that has a lining. If the egg is not fertilized, the lining wastes away and so does the egg, through the vagina. It is then that a woman is said to have her period. If the egg happens to get fertilized by a sperm, it attaches itself to the lining and thus the woman stops to have her period till the time of her delivery. That is why, stopping of menstrual cycle is said to be the first symptom of pregnancy.
However, often vaginal spotting and spotting during early pregnancy is also very common. Menstruation during pregnancy should not be mistaken for a regular period. Therefore, it is very important to get a test done if you have had unprotected sex. You must also remember that if you have had unprotected sex and experience severe pain in your lower abdomen then you have an ectopic pregnancy. In such a case, the fertilized egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube and it is a very dangerous situation indeed.
Often woman also ask about the possibility of pregnancy during menstruation and the answer is yes. Pregnancy can occur if you have had unprotected sex even during menstruation. Though the chances are minimal, it is very much possible. Therefore, it is very important to be well aware about such facts before you have sex during periods. Also, one should take proper care to avoid any unwanted pregnancies and contraception could be used during periods.
Thus, the relationship between menstruation and pregnancy is that of a needle and thread. One is linked to another. Both of these processes work in collaboration of each other and hence progresses a process to give birth to a new life.


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