What you should know about swollen axillary lymph nodes in pregnancy

Pain and swelling are the body's way of pointing out injuries and damage to tissues. Swelling of the breasts is common during menstruation or menstrual period and also in times of hormonal imbalance such as menopause. However, pain and swelling of the axilla nodes may be indicating a serious underlying disease and should not be ignored.

Some women experience changes in the breast as early as 2 weeks after conception. Swelling in the breasts is not due to milk production, since breastfeeding does not start until much later in pregnancy. This swelling is indicative of hormonal changes throughout the body caused by pregnancy. The breasts are innervated by nerves that expand throughout the chest and armpits. Highly sensitive breasts can produce reflex pain in the armpits. Unlike other causes of armpit pain, the early symptoms of pregnancy will appear bilaterally or in both breasts and underarms.

Bundles in both armpits and appearing at the same time are usually axillary extensions of breast tissue. As such, they are usually a problem in advanced pregnancy and especially during breastfeeding. It is characteristic that they are less obvious when the breasts are empty of milk at the end of a session of breastfeeding. They can be big and uncomfortable.
They are of minimum size when you are not pregnant and repeat with the next pregnancy. If this is going to be a problem, they can be surgically removed.

The axillary lymph nodes can also become swollen by an infection of the breast tissues or mastitis, a painful disease usually involving a breast and axilla on the same side. Mastitis is a staph infection that invades the tissues of the breast through the nipple. Cracks, fissures, and orifices of the nipple allow for infections, most commonly seen in lactating mothers. A duct system inside the breast leads the milk from the glands to the nipple to feed the infants. These ducts are compressed by inflammation, causing painful lactation, redness, and a swollen breast.

Enlarged lymph nodes related to infection or inflammation in the arm or skin of the area (such as may occur with shaving or antiperspirants). They may need antibiotics.

The axillary lymph nodes can also swell as a result of breast cancer. There are many different forms of breast cancer and a plethora of symptoms that indicate cancer. Swelling in the breast can be attributable to a mass or tumor inside the breast. In advanced breast cancers, the lymph nodes may be affected, appearing very hard and painful. Symptoms of armpit pain occur on one side only unless the cancer is present in both breasts. Breast cancer is diagnosed infrequently in pregnancy. Breast cancer can enlarge lymph nodes in the armpit, even when the breast itself looks perfectly normal.


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