Blood stained brown after the period

The  menstrual fluid includes nutrients, old blood and endometrial cells, but when only comes endometrium, the discharge is colored brown and this is the main reason why many women may experience brown bleeding before the period or menstruation .

Birth control pills also have a very large impact in the amount and color of the  menstrual 
bleeding , because they alter the functioning of the female hormones and can produce a brown discharge before the period.

Polyps are other cause that triggers brown stained discharge . Polyps are abnormally growing tissue in the uterus. These tumors occur due to different reasons, but mostly are benign. The brown flow can be the result of a bleeding polyp in the uterus.

Sometimes brown staining is indicative of pregnancy. It is called implantation bleeding and lasts three days. Sometimes the color of  implantation bleeding is pink, but in other cases it may be brown . This blood is produced by the rupture of the capillaries of the endometrium, when the embryo starts toimplant into the endometrium, about 8-10 days after conception and before the scheduled start of the next menstruation.


The causes of spotting brown blood after the menstruation

Usually, it is totally natural. Simply ancient  endometrial tissues  remains inside the uterus or the vagina and,then they are released several days after the menstruation. No need to worry.

However if a bleeding appears brown after 3-4 weeks of the start of the menstruation, it may be implantation bleeding.  

It could also be old blood from a small wound during penetration or may be aninfection. This case requires a professional examination. 

Have a brown bleeding in early pregnancy?

If you had a brown bleeding  in the first weeks of pregnancy, it could be just the implantation bleeding, which is not important. If you are pregnant and you have a fairly voluminous bleeding with cramps, seek medical help, because it can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, which is dangerous for the mother. 

Psychological problems

If you had stress or emotional problems in recent weeks, it can produce a brown bleeding as a result of impaired secretion of reproductive hormones. The cortisol secreted in reponse to stressfull situations will block the secretion of gonadotropins in the pituitary and one manifestation is the appearance of brown bleeding . In this case, the mesntruation can be more or less frequent and also you could detect a loss or increase in volume.  When the cause of stress disappears, menstrual cycles returns to be regular and normalized.


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