Menstruation every 15 days. The causes

What are the causes of having menstruation every 15 days Having a bimonthly period or every 15 days goes by the technical name of polymenorrhoea and these are the main causes.


Stress can alter hormone levels and interfere with sleep and food, further altering the hormonal balance. This is one of the main culprits in causing more frequent and irregular periods. Stress is a major factor in the suppression of the functions of the hypothalamus factor, which in turn controls the adrenal glands, thyroid and ovaries. These three endocrine glands work junta s reproductive hormone production. Ovarian functions defective cause disruption in production of estrogen and progesterone, which is believed to contribute to the onset of menstruation every 15 days ,

Diet and Exercise

Like stress, diet and exercise alter the number of calories you feed the vital body functions and hormone production. When hormone production is altered, the menstrual cycle can be shortened or lengthened, leading to more or less frequent periods.

-menstrual cycle


While menopause eventually leads to an absence of periods, initially can have a lot of different effects on the body, including the most frequent periods.

Birth control pills

Birth control pills deliberately alter the hormones in the body and often cause missed periods or bleeding between cycles, but sometimes it can make women have periods every 15 days for a short period of time.

Ovarian cysts

A cyst is a fluid collection that develops in the ovary. Although many women develop cysts, most disappear on their own and are not a problem. Large cysts can cause frequent bleeding and pain, which leads many women to believe they are having periods more often. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon and intestine, can sometimes cause bleeding similar to a menstrual period, which leads women to believe they are having more frequent periods. Inflammatory bowel disease can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications.


Fibroids that can occur in utero and benign tumors or polyps that attach to the uterine wall.These structures tend to have a coating of the endometrium which is less stable and more often appears in the form of closely spaced periods. These noncancerous growths can also produce a heavier and longer bleeding.


Another cause of reproductive hormonal imbalance resulting in polymenorrhoea (more frequent menses) is the endometriosis . Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial cells that normally found in utero, growing out of it and are frequently found in the ovaries. Endometriosis occurs in approximately 5 to 10 percent of the female population and may eventually lead to infertility. 


Sexually transmitted diseases are another possible factor causing periods every 15 days or polymenorrhoea. The chlamydia and gonorrhea , cause irregular menstruation.


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